The Andalusian based bank offers even more benefits to those who take on other products and services tied into the mortgage contract, reducing in this way the differential. Even though these other products are yet to be confirmed by the bank, typically these would include customers lodging their monthly payslip with them, taking out life and house insurance policies and the like.
It would seem that banks are following similar schemes in order to make their mortgages more appealing and attainable. Bankinter for example launched a product of their own that allowed customers to obtain mortgages for Euribor +1,95%. Currently, CajaSur ranks number two on this front, being beaten only by Hipoteca Rioja Joven de Kutxa at Euribor +0,95%, aimed specifically at young people trying to get a foot on the property ladder.
Mortgages that are actually attainable for the consumer are far more beneficial all round in the long-term. If we have learned anything in recent years it is that the vast majority of the mortgages being signed were unsustainable and created a downward spiral that saw thousands evicted from their properties unable to pay ever increasing interest rates. Maybe we are seeing the end of the overpriced mortgages we saw during the boom years and financial institutions are finally seeing the correct way to move forward.
If you want to check CajaSur’s mortgages and conditions for yourself, check the ‘Algo Está Cambiando’ (Something is Changing) campaign available in all of their branches located in the Andalusia and Extremadura regions, You never know, a second home on mainland Spain may be on the cards for you.