As has become customary each week, the Canarian Government held a Special Session yesterday to discuss and agree on additional measures to combat the COVID-19 health crisis. This has come about because the Public Health Directorate released updated data on the current situation on the islands on the 19th August 2020.
As a result, some of the regulations approved last week have been amended in the following way:
MASS EVENTS. Prior to organizing any type of event where crowds are expected to gather, the health authorities must carry out a risk assessment to determine necessary precautions. The promotors or organizers of these events must include a Contagion Prevention Plan when submitting permission to hole said event. This also means that any event of these characteristics must be approved by the maximum health authority of the Autonomous Region.
HOSPITALITY SECTOR. This sector which includes restaurants, bars, bar-cafeterias, terraces, beach-front premises and similar, must abide by the 1,5 metre safety distance between tables or groups of tables. The same applies to customers seated at the bar. The maximum occupation per table or group of tables is set at TEN PEOPLE, regardless of whether the seating area is interior or exterior. This hasn’t changed from regulations stipulated last week, but they have added that the tables must be arranged in such a way to allow for the 1,5 metre safety distance between customers seated there. The same precautions that were implemented during the de-escalation phase of the health crisis have returned or are being reiterated, namely:
- Instead of handing menus to customers, these establishments must make use of electronic displays, blackboards (is that politically correct nowadays??!), signs, QR and other similar methods
- Auxiliary elements such as crockery, glassware, cutlery, table cloths, bread baskets etc., must be stored in closed units and if this is not possible, they must be stored away from passages frequented by customers and employees
- Self-service items such as servillete holders, olive oil and vinegar containers, salt and pepper shakers etc must be removed and replaced by individual sachets or by request from the client
- All decorations must be removed from tables
- Customers may not sit down at a table unless a staff member indicates the table is ready, i.e, it has already been cleaned and desinfected
- All establishments must be closed by 1am and new customers may not be admitted from midnight
NIGHTCLUBS: These types of venues (discos, dance halls and bars where only drinks are served) must remain closed whether these are with or without live entertainment. I imagine this is a direct result of recent outbreaks allegedly caused by people frequenting these establishments and not complying with the mandatory safety distance between people.
NURSING HOMES: Coronavirus testing must be carried out on any new residents at least 72 hours before arrival. The same tests must be carried out on new staff members or existing employees when they return from holidays. Visits will be limited to one person per resident for a maximum of one hour a day. Any visits must be staggered throughout the day to prevent gatherings of people. These measures may be lifted when the resident in question is in the last stages of their life
Remember that all other regulations approved last week are still in effect, especially concerning the use of face masks and hand sanitizer. This information has been taken from Resolución 20 August 2020 that you can also read for yourself. Stay safe everyone and happy weekend 🙂