Yesterday afternoon, Friday 30th July 2021, the Canarian Government held another plenary session where they discussed the various measures the High Court of Justice has deemed unconstitutional to be enforced.
As you may have heard, this is not the only matter the High Court of Justice have taken issue with as they have blasted the State of Emergency and declared it illegal (more on that when more information is revealed), but getting back to the Islands; the Canarian Government is awaiting clarification regarding the limitations that must be removed.
The biggest issue has to do with restrictions for islands at Alert Level or Tier 4 (currently only Tenerife is affected) where 50% of patrons sat in the interior must have had both doses of the vaccine, a PCR test not more than 72 hours old or a certificate of having had COVID-19 in the last six months.
This meant the establishments are responsible for requesting this personal data from their customers which of course would have been met with resistence, so the Asociación Hostelería Unida de Tenerife (Tenerife United Hospitality Association) appealed this decision and the Court agreed with some of the points raised.
Other measures such as the time when these establishments must close and enforcing curfew are also being questioned. However, until the High Court of Justice comes back with a resolution, all hospitality establishments must close at midnight on islands at alert level 4.
For now and due to the number of current cases, each island will remain at the same alert levels as last week. We’ll have to see what unfolds after the High Court deliberates…