One of the issues that keeps replaying in my head is how vulnerable sole-proprietor businesses are. If you are the sole person responsible for your business, it’s hard to think about what would happen if you were unable to work for an extensive period of time but it is also an unfortunate problem you will have to tackle at some point. I mean at eventually you are going to pick up a horrible bug or something worse (touch wood that doesn’t happen) that completely knocks you off your feet but at the same time, you’re aware that bills still have to be paid and clients still expect to receive the services they have contracted you for, especially if they are on a monthly retainer. Do you have a back-up plan for such contingencies or do you try to push through the pain and make sure all your clients are taken care of?
Maybe it would be a good idea to talk to somebody you trust who could help you out and make sure your business doesn’t fall apart at the seams when you’re unable to work. As a self-employed person, it is natural to feel as if you have to be on the go all the time otherwise you risk missing out on great opportunities or you get crushed under a heavy workload. I suppose in an off-beat way we can compare ourselves to sharks as they drown unless they are constantly in movement but unlike the shark, we can actually make the time to slow down and perhaps help prevent sickness from taking over in the first place. This is why I insist that it is vital to free up your calendar to get some downtime where you can practice a hobby or just relax and maybe ward off the evil bugs.
Others take out private insurance that cover them when they are unable to fulfil their work obligations. This type of insurance generally covers around 65% of your gross income and is gaining popularity especially during this time of recession where many are overworked and stressed making it harder to ward off illness.
At the same time I really want to take this opportunity to thank my awesome group of friends, family and a special shout out to my sister. They rallied around me and took care of me when I wasn’t at my best, picked up my prescriptions, made my doctor’s appointments but most of all they kept me company and were just there for me when I needed it most. It is much appreciated even though I hope you won’t have to do that again or at least for a very long time!
While I’m sure you’re all secretly crossing your fingers behind your backs praying this is an issue you won’t have to tackle yourselves, you can’t live in your own sterile bubble to avoid picking up germs or a more serious condition so maybe now is the right time to put that back-up plan into place, you never know when you might need it.