As the restrictions placed upon us begin to take their toll on most adults, the younger population has been waiting impatiently for the day when they may be able to see the outside world again. Sunday 26th April is that day! Today, the Health Minister, Salvador Illa Roca has signed Order SND/370/2020, 25th April that details why and how children can finally (and safely) leave their homes for some much needed exercise.
The State of Emergency has been extended three times since 14th March 2020; the last time was on 24th April when it was extended until 10th May 2020. Schools and other educational centres closed prior to the state of emergency, which means children have been cooped up at home for more than SIX WEEKS, and some do not have access to a garden, terrace or even a balcony at home!
It only stands to reason this is having a major effect on them both physically and mentally, and this has not gone unnoticed by the United Nations’ Comittee on the Rights of the Child. This committee has called upon governments to alert them of the long term physical, psychological and emotional damage these new circumstances could be causing.
For this reason, the Order allows children to go outside for an hour a day for some relief from the imposed quarantine. When they say “children”, they refer to those under the age of fourteen and these outings must be supervised by an adult at all times. The best way to continue is to list the conditions:
1. Daily outings are permitted for a maximum of ONE HOUR
2. The maximum distance you are allowed to venture away from home is ONE KILOMETRE
3. The limits have been set between 9am and 9pm
4. Children who show symptoms of COVID-19 or have been exposed to somebody who has the virus must continue to self-isolate at home and are not permitted to participate in these daily outings
5. This Order does not affect exceptions/ permitted activities for minors as per Royal Decree 463/2020, 14th March
6. Daily exercise can be formed in groups of a maximum of one adult in charge and three children who live in the same home (you cannot take your neighbour’s children or get together with other parents and children)
7. A safety distance of at least 2 metres must be maintained between your group and others who are out and about as well
8. You are permitted to use public streets and areas, to include natural landscapes and authorized green areas that are within one kilometre of your home. Activities at playgrounds and sports installations are not permitted
9. If the accompanying adult is not the child’s parent, they must provide a signed authorization from them (tutor, legal guardian, nanny…)
10. The accompanying adult must ensure sufficient steps are taken to prevent contagion on these outings
This Order comes into effect from midnight on 26th April 2020 until the end of state of emergency or any posible extensions.
Enjoy your newfound freedom and stay safe 🙂